
Showing posts from April, 2018
 Natural Ways To Lower Cholesterol Fast Are you one of the ‘1-in-3’ American adults with high cholesterol, doubling your risk of heart disease? The good news is that the ability to lower your cholesterol levels might just be within your control. Studies have shown that a diet made up of cholesterol-lowering foods can be just as effective as taking cholesterol-lowering drugs! There are also some other lifestyle changes you can make to further push those cholesterol numbers down. Read on to find out all about the natural ways that you can keep your cholesterol in check. What is Cholesterol? Firstly, let’s look at cholesterol – what it is and what it does. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that’s found in all cells of the body. Contrary to what many believe,  we actually need cholesterol  in our bodies – it’s important in the production of hormones and vitamin D, and it helps us to digest foods. Luckily, our bodies produce enough cholesterol to meet our